An extended family gathers...

When an extended family is gathering, it is a great time for family photos! Three generations of this lovely family in Sudbury, MA came together to celebrate Father's day and took the opportunity for family portraits. The portraits included mom and dad with their adult children, their children's families, grandparents with their grandkids, adult siblings together, etc, etc. The combinations are varied and make for a memorable session. The laughter, joy and love of this family was obvious and infectious which made for a fun and relaxed session. This portrait session was located at our client's house so they were able to capture their family in a location they spend a lot of time together which adds to the special nature of this shoot.

When you are shooting at a client's home, finding the right locations for the portraits can be a challenge. As a photographer, you don't quite know what you are walking into for a backdrop for the photos and you need to assess and select spots quickly. Fortunately, this family had a beautifully landscaped yard with plenty of shaded spots for this mid-morning shoot. If you want to host your photos at your home, consider locations for the shoot and make sure you prep the yard. Trim your bushes/hedges and lawn to ensure you have a spot for the photos that will make for a beautiful backdrop. Also, consider your time of day for your your shoot and where the sun is located. You definitely want to avoid a full sun, middle of the day shoot. People will squint and have difficulty being relaxed if they are over heated. If your yard has a lot of sun, consider an evening shoot. During this time of year, the sun and light are great from 6:00pm-7:30pm and I would highly recommend booking this coveted 'golden hour' time slots. I am always happy to chat with clients and determine if a home shoot is right for your situation or if shooting at an offsite location will work better for your family.

If you are considering an extended family shoot, I am happy to discuss and create a custom session that will work for you and your needs. Take the photos, make the memories!

xo- Lisa