Sugar and Spice...

Newborn portrait sessions can be the most challenging to execute. Much like life with a newborn, it is completely unpredictable. The baby may sleep or be awake, need a feeding mid-shoot or a diaper change. An older sibling may want nothing to do with the session or may want to be in every photo. The most important thing I can offer to my families is to be relaxed and not rushed. I always block extra time on my calendar so I'm not running out the door on you before you get the images you hoped for because of life's hiccups. And I certainly don't want the parents to be frazzled and stressed. Life with a newborn is emotional and hectic enough so you do not want your photo session to add to that stress. It should be calm and enjoyable experience and I strive to make it so. Deep breaths, patience, experience and a little luck ensure you will be happy with your images. We will get it done and it will be beautiful.

This newborn portrait session in Boston, MA was of a 2 week little girl, her 1.5 year old big brother, parents and puppy! Mother Nature decided to not cooperate and brought us a day with rain showers so we moved our session inside. Big brother was feeling all the photos of him alone with his new baby sister but when it was time for a full family portrait, he would rather not. With a some breaks, snacks and a bit of trickery, we were able to get him to cooperate just enough to get those coveted family photos.

As for Miss P, she is a lady that far prefers to be cozy and swaddled than naked and exposed. We leaned into that and skipped the naked baby photos as she was very unhappy but got a lot of cozy, sweet swaddled photos. Mom was looking so beautiful and ethereal and dad is a champion swaddler. It all came together for a perfect newborn portrait shoot. I am so grateful to capture this milestone on this family's journey. I cannot wait to continue to document as these kiddos grow and change through the years.

xo- Lisa